Why BaLiZer leads the competition in ?
We are the only florist in that notifies a delivery with a photo.

Don't you agree that you should see what we provide on your behalf ?

Either the bouquet alone or, photo of the recipient too
 Photo of the flower bouquet alone Photo of the recipient with the given bouquet


Click to view:  Bouquets , 59 Roses 95$US , Orchids from $35 , Flower Arrangements


To see our excellent rating by Google, click on the image

Balizer excellent rating by Google


Click to view:  Bouquets , 59 Roses 95$US , Orchids from $35 , Flower Arrangements


 Best Flower Price

If you find an identical bouquet at a lower price, you'll get it 10% below that price !

If you find an identical flower bouquet at a lower price on another online flower shop in Israel, contact us and you'll get it 10% below that price if:

  1. 1) You contact us on the same day that you have ordered the flower with all the details of the other offer including a link to the same bouquet on the website and the quoted price.
  2. 2) The two bouquets are identical, having the same flower types and quantities, same greenery and the same height and width.
  3. 3) The other bouquet is purchasable online and is still available when we check it.
  4. Our Best Price Obligation excludes plants, orchids and chocolate items.

If we conclude that you have found an identical bouquet at a lower price, we will credit you in the amount equal to the difference between the price that you have paid us and the lower price + 10%.

It will be our honor to serve you,
Balizer Flower Delivery Israel in Tel Aviv metropolitan area


Click to view:  Bouquets , 59 Roses 95$US , Orchids from $35 , Flower Arrangements


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